Thursday, December 26, 2019

Seasons Greetings & Happy 2020!

Here's wishing you & yours the best for the Holidays & a wonderful, healthy & creative 2020!
 Heartfelt Thanks for your support over the years! xo Laura

Saturday, February 2, 2019

FRENCH made FUN! workshop -Thanks Chrystia Freeland Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs for your support!

Beadaful! & MORE's Creative Artist-Educator Laura Dee was honoured to be surprised by a visit 
by Mme. Chrystia Freeland, Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs!

Image result for french
Merci a Mme.Chrystia Freeland for encouraging the importance of Early Learning & the importance of learning French, Canada's other "langue officielle". Thank you for your great support! 

Bonjour Mes Amis! 

Studies have shown that learning a foreign language at an early age has so many hidden advantages.

Our classes are conducted in a playful group setting to promote positive reinforcement and ensure that students remain engaged throughout. All our programs are specifically designed for children/youth/adults from birth on up. Learning a language is similar to learning to play an instrument and requires fine repetitive practice. We encourage adults & friends to get involved and make language learning a family experience. 

Friday, January 25, 2019

Update!! OVER 41K Views on our FLICKR PAGE!

Heartfelt thanks for your support over the years!

Check out our FLICKR PHOTO page! 

Celebrating OVER 41K views:)…/beadafulandmorecreativeworkshops/

Stay creative! xo Laura